The man without community
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What is development and modernity? Why are some societies capable of rapid and lasting development, and why are others unable to do so? Why he was able to conquer the world from the West in the 16-19. century, and why is it losing - at an accelerating rate - its economic and cultural dominance? Why and how is European civilization tired mentally? (As a result, it is gradually lagging behind in its multifaceted competition with the Far East and has become vulnerable to Islam.) Why are European / Western societies being atomized almost legally? This fundamental book, which has often occupied researchers for centuries, seeks to answer questions that are richly illustrated with historical facts and data and use the results of many social and human sciences, focusing on the relationship between the individual and the community, identity and modernization. he claims.
publisher | To book Press |
writer | Körmendy Lajos |
scope | 480 |
volume unit | oldal |
ISBN | 9786155758515 |
year of publication | 2020 |
binding | carton |